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Buñuelos Rosette with salmon bonbon, lime mayonnaise and pea (Plate-it)


1 x Buñuelos basic batter (PLEASE NOTE! This batter is for several pieces) :

150 g patent flour

240 ml milk

5 g salt

1 egg

Other ingredients:

50 g smoked salmon

2 tbsp mayonnaise

Juice of a quarter of a lime

2 tbsp cream cheese natural

5 peas

5 pomegranate seeds

Furikake, as desired

Further needed

FryTastic ® 5150 or 5371


Mix the ingredients into a smooth batter and leave in the fridge for at least half an hour (important that the batter is cold).

Dip the Buñuelos mould into the oil (160-170C°) for 60 sec. This will prevent the batter from sticking afterwards.

Then press the mould into the batter. Do not let the batter run over the top, otherwise the crunch will not come off.

When the batter sticks well to the Buñuelos mould (max. 2 sec.), you can take it out.

Then dip the Buñuelos mould in the oil and fry until the mould loosens on its own. Use tweezers to facilitate this process.

After it has come loose, let the crisp continue to fry for a while until it is golden brown.

Now turn over so that the other side can also turn golden brown. Use the Plate-it precision tweezers to remove the crisp from the oil and leave to drain on kitchen paper.

Mix the mayonnaise with the lime juice. Ladle the lime mayonnaise into a spray bottle. Put a tuft on a plate and spread it using the scraper.

Place the slices of smoked salmon in the shape of a bonbon. Spoon the cream cheese over into a piping bag and fill the salmon bonbon with it. Place the Buñuelos Rosette next to it. Pipe the remaining lime mayonnaise as tufts on top. Finish the plate with the peas, pomegranate seeds + furikake.

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Fryer FryTastic® 5150
Fryer FryTastic® 5371