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Pastéis de nata - SnackTastic®

10 portions


400 gm puff pastry
500 ml of milk
200 gm sugar
2 packets of vanilla sugar
10 gm cornstarch
2 eggs
3 egg yolks

Further needed

Silicone Muffin Mold


Butter a muffin mold.
Roll out the puff pastry and cut out 12 rounds of 10 cm diameter.
Place them in the muffin molds and pierce a few holes in the bottom of the dough with a fork.
Pre-heat the SnackTastic® to 200 ° C.
Set aside a cup of milk and bring the rest to the boil.
Add sugar and vanilla sugar.
Dissolve the corn starch in the cold milk cup and pour into the boiling milk.
Stir well and allow to thicken for 2 to 3 minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat.
Beat the eggs and egg yolks with a pinch of salt and cinnamon.
Stir them in the warm milk.
Divide the cream over the dough bottoms (fill half) and bake for 12 to 15 minutes in the SnackTastic®.
Let cool and serve.
You can of course also use ready-made pastry cream.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon.


